Umur B.J. Habibie dalam Angka & Kata-Kata Cintanya


The day is still young and we would like to Catch Up! more on Eyang Habibie’s resume. Be inspired.

Ketika tutup usia di umurnya yang ke-83, Eyang Habibie meninggalkan banyak banget teladan buat kita, terutama dalam hal pendidikan dan karya-karyanya di berbagai bidang (read: riset, teknik dirgantara, demokratisasi, sampe di bidang agama kayak ICMI).

So we just gonna put the records here and let you feeling inspired to start your Friday.  Scroll through.

Swiping on Tinder is fun (we agree!) but our favorite love story is Pak Habibie’s and Bu Ainun’s. Check out the quote from him about her below, and tell us if you’re not swooning. We wait.
